Posted by: brambledoula | March 10, 2008

Time’s a Changin’

For the first time I can remember I was actually looking at a clock when the time changed. I had gotten up at about 1:30am with the baby and went to change his diaper. I loathe the early morning change so I wrapped him in layers of prefold until his skinny little legs looked like two toothpicks in a meatball.  We sat down to nurse and he was a bit awake so I turned on a movie to watch for a while. I looked up and it was 3am. Wait…what? I was so confused. Had we really been awake for an hour and a half? It took me a few minutes for it to dawn upon me- duh, time change. (It changes automatically on the cable box.) Other than this little blip the time change has been good for me. Unlike most people who lose an hour of sleep- little man’s been sleeping till 10:30 instead of 9:30 thus guarenteeing me a morning shower. Good Stuff 🙂


  1. […] Brambledoula: Had we really been awake for an hour and a half? It took me a few minutes for it to dawn upon me- duh, time change. […]

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