Posted by: brambledoula | September 26, 2007

Fall in the South

I do get a little sad this time of year because I miss the crisp air, thick sweaters, red leaves, and fresh apples that I grew up with. But one thing I do love is you can buy summer stuff cheap and it’s still 90 degrees out so we can go outside and enjoy it! My oldest son is taking swim lessons but they canceled the three year old class. Determined to still get the poor kid wet for being a good sport about not taking his class I went on a search for an inflatable pool. Sadly I came up short handed, however for a whopping $9 I got a spider-man slip n slide that filled the void nicely. Even DH got in on the fun and I usually have to twist his arm for family events. He couldn’t resist a few good runs into the spray. Personally I didn’t like the idea of projectile shooting this baby out of me, and having boobs has always ruined the joy that could be slip n slide, but I enjoy watching the kids having so much fun.

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